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Chaf Teives - The Yom Hilula of the Rambam

The Rambam intended his masterpiece, Mishneh Torah, to be learned by all Jews in all generations. Certainly, his yahrtzeit, the day commemorating the histalkus of such a great tzaddik, should be observed by and lead to an increase in Torah and mitzvos by everyone. (Sicha Motzaei Chaf Teives 5750)

One of the best ways to observe the Rambam’s yahrtzeit is to learn Mishneh Torah, because it discusses the laws of the entire Torah. It even discusses laws pertaining to the times of the Beis HaMikdash [which other works of halacha do not mention because of it’s limited practical application at the moment], as well as the laws that will apply when the Beis HaMikdash is rebuilt. To observe the day in the proper spirit, it is a good idea to begin to participate in the study of the Mishneh Torah, or to increase the quality of one’s present study. Some people are able to learn regularly three chapters a day, some one chapter a day, and some learn Seifer HaMitzvos instead. It is especially apropos to learn the laws pertaining to Moshiach, which are found in the final two chapters of “Hilchos Melachim” at the end of Mishneh Torah. (Sicha Shmos 5752)

In addition, it is a good idea to convince others — men, women, and children — to do everything mentioned above. The Rambam’s yahrtzeit is a good time to mention again that those who have the opportunity should exert greater effort in promoting the daily study of Mishneh Torah, [by organizing or teaching shiurim, or] by studying three chapters a day, in order to complete the whole seifer each year. (Sicha Motzaei Chaf Teives 5750)

Giving tzedaka is always an appropriate response on a yahrtzeit, especially [if one can give to those institutions or causes specifically] related to the baal ha’hilula, as the Alter Rebbe explains in Igeres HaKodesh and Igeres HaTeshuva. Additionally, there should be farbrengens everywhere marking the yahrtzeit of the Rambam. (Sicha Shmos 5751)

Chaf-Dalet Teives - Yom Hilula of the Alter Rebbe

On the day of the yahrtzeit, it is appropriate for everyone to increase in all matters of holiness, especially with matters connected to the Alter Rebbe’s deeds, teachings, and avoda. All of the increases made on the day of the yahrtzeit should continue throughout the year. For example, it would be proper for everyone, including women, to make or add to set times for learning the Alter Rebbe’s Torah, by studying his Shulchan Aruch and Tanya. Those who are able should learn a chapter of Tanya before davening, before saying “Hareini Mekabel.” People should decide on their own if [from day to day] they will learn the chapters consecutively or in another way that makes sense to them. This custom should be publicized and strengthened. (Shmos 5749 and 5750, VaEira 5751, Acharei 5749)

In addition, it is appropriate at this time to add set times to study Torah Ohr and Likkutei Torah, especially the “Chassidishe parasha,” and to study the Alter Rebbe’s drushim, which were recently printed, as well as his Nigla sfarim. (Lech Lecha 5749, footnote 29; Chayei Sara 5752; Shmos 5749)

It is especially worthwhile to learn the sfarim mentioned above with the explanations of the Rebbeim. There are explanations in Nigla of the Alter Rebbe, and the works of the Mitteler Rebbe on piskei dinim were recently printed. There are also commentaries of the Tzemach Tzedek and the Rebbeim who followed him. Of course, many explanations exist in pnimiyus ha’Torah (Chassidus), as well. (Shmos 5749, VaEira 5751)

The public should also increase in learning Torah with “shnei ohr” [two lights, suggested by the first name of the Alter Rebbe, Shneur], by incorporating both Nigla and pnimiyus ha’Torah as one. (Shmos 5749) 

In addition to everyone’s personal set times for learning, there should also be public shiurim in Shulchan Aruch and Tanya. Those venues that already offer shiurim can hold extra classes, or longer periods of study.

The yahrtzeit is an appropriate time as well to increase in other areas of the Alter Rebbe’s avoda, for example, in giving tzedaka, etc., and in general, in spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus outward. “Great is study for it leads to action!” (Shmos 5750)






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