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His Last Words Tell It All
By Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Ginsberg

Fifty years ago, the daughter of the mashpia R’ Nissan Nemenov, o.b.m., was engaged to be married to the late R’ Shalom Dov Ber Pewzner. The wedding was scheduled to take place in Adar 5710. But one month before the chasuna, in the midst of all the preparations, the events of Yud Shvat, the histalkus (passing) of the Rebbe Rayatz, intervened.

R’ Nissan, a true Chassid who was bound to the Rebbe Rayatz with every fiber of his being, was completely shattered by the histalkus. In his wildest dreams he could not imagine making a wedding in the period of aveilus. But postponing a wedding was not simple. He decided to ask the Rebbe MH”H for guidance, even though at that time the Rebbe had not yet officially accepted the nesius and was refusing to even consider it. (Of course, by that time, the Rebbe MH”H had been answering questions for years, ever since the Rebbe Rayatz had appointed him head of the various Chabad institutions.)

The answer to R’ Nissan’s letter is printed on page 242 of Volume 3 of the Rebbe’s Igros Kodesh (free translation):

In answer to your specific questions:

In my humble opinion, you should rejoice with the bride and bridegroom with Chabad niggunim, etc. “He who rejoices merits, etc.” And may we very soon merit the time of “the voice of joy and the voice of happiness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride.”

It is known that when the Chabad Nesiim (particularly the Rebbe Maharash) would deliver a maamer, some words would be directed specifically to certain individuals; each individual would hear what was pertinent to him. However, the Rebbe [Rashab], nishmaso Eden, asked his father to be able to hear all that was said. I heard this from the Rebbe, my father-in-law, himself.

In the maamer of the day of histalkus [Yud Shvat], there are many “Baal Shem’ske” [wondrous, prophetic] statements. The answer to your question, in my humble opinion, is found in the beginning of the fifth perek (which discusses the great significance of bringing joy to the bride and bridegroom). Surely you will heed these words, and rejoice with the bride and bridegroom and all the guests. I conclude with the blessing of mazal tov, mazal tov for the chasan and kalla, and may the couple build a true house among the Jewish people and raise a blessed generation in an everlasting edifice. With blessings of mazal tov.


In those early years, the Rebbe repeatedly emphasized that the Rebbe Rayatz’s last sichos before his histalkus predict everything. The Rebbe said, “I am seeking the answers – to all the questions that are being asked – in the words of these maamarim” (sicha of Shabbos Parshas VaYakhel-P’kudei 5710, page 15 of the new edition of Sichos Kodesh).

In addition, the Rebbe MH”M wrote in a letter (Igros Kodesh, Volume 4, page 240):

Even the [limited] human mind can comprehend that the notion that one is alone and forsaken [now], G-d forbid, is false. Thus, it is obvious that there is no reason for weakening one’s avoda. Halevai that Anash, and particularly the Tmimim, would be exacting in my father-in-law the Rebbe’s words, especially his sichos of 5710 and the year before.

* * *

In 5710 there was an actual histalkus. The Rebbe Rayatz’s neshama departed from his holy body and ascended on high, and a new generation commenced – the ninth generation from the Baal Shem Tov, and the seventh generation from the Alter Rebbe.

However, the situation is completely different in our generation, when we know with certainty that the Rebbe MH”M is chai v’kayam in a physical body even after Gimmel Tammuz, as G-d promised: “His light shall never be extinguished.” Understanding the validity of the above statement requires study of the Rebbe’s Dvar Malchus. Additionally, in the Dvar Malchus, one can see how all our needs were anticipated, besides specific directives for our present circumstances.

Much has been written in this publication and elsewhere about the importance and obligation to live with the Rebbe’s most recent sichos, the talks of the years 5751-2. These holy words are the key to coping with our present unusual situation.

On Shabbos Parshas Tazria-Metzora 5751, the Rebbe stated that learning about Moshiach and Redemption from Torah sources – “particularly the maamarim and Likkutei Sichos of the nasi of our generation” – is the “straightest, easiest, and quickest of all the Torah’s ways to bring about the revelation and actual coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu.”

We must familiarize ourselves with what will happen in the Messianic era. But more than that, we must actually live with Moshiach even now, being constantly aware that “we are standing on the threshold of the Redemption, when we can point with our finger and say: Behold, Melech HaMoshiach is coming” (Shabbos Parshas Balak 5751).

There are common themes to all of the Rebbe’s most recent sichos kodesh: the buttons have already been polished, we are already in the Days of Moshiach, Moshiach is already exerting his influence in the world, etc. The Rebbe even stated, on Beis Nissan 5748, that over-polishing the buttons can only cause harm!

As the years progressed, these expressions increased in frequency and emphasis until the Rebbe mentioned them on almost every occasion that he spoke. The Rebbe declared, shortly after Hei Teives 5747, that we are entering a new era, and he repeated this point many times after the Rebbetzin’s passing in 5748. The Rebbe stressed this even more on Yud Shvat 5750.

The Rebbe said that learning about Moshiach and Redemption is a Jewish custom that is becoming more widespread. He explained that hiskashrus to the Rebbeim is not just a segula for bringing Moshiach, but helps us live with Moshiach now. In the 11 months from 28 Nissan 5751 to Zach Adar 5752, the Rebbe reiterated these concepts each week. We must work on ourselves until the ideas conveyed by these statements completely fill our existence and characterize our lives.

* * *

It is now eight years after Zach Adar. The only thing that can truly take away our pain is the immediate revelation of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach before the entire world. Given the necessity of living with the Rebbe’s Dvar Malchus, I would like to reiterate some of the important points made by the Rebbe in the winter of 5752 about the uniqueness of our times and the special avoda they require. G-d willing, we will soon be hearing new sichos kodesh from the Rebbe’s holy lips, “the new [dimension] of Torah that will go forth from Me.”

*The service of birurim (separation of the sparks of holiness) has been completed. Moshiach’s coming no longer depends on teshuva. Because the Jewish people have already done teshuva, Moshiach’s coming depends only on Moshiach himself (Shabbos Parshas Noach, in a conversation with Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu). Moshiach not only exists in the world, but has already been revealed (Shabbos Parshas VaYeira). He is already fighting the battles of G-d, and has already been victorious in several areas. The only thing left is to greet the Rebbe Rayatz, “the only Moshiach of our generation,” so he can carry out his mission and take us out of exile. (Shabbos Parshas Chayei Sara)

*The declaration, “Yechi Adoni HaMelech Dovid l’olam,” is an expression of the revelation of Moshiach’s essence, after which Moshiach’s specific influences in the world and public revelation follow (Shabbos Parshas Toldos). All that is left to do is “open our eyes” (Shabbos Parshas VaYeitzei). The service of birurim is over; the service that is now required is to bring Moshiach Tzidkeinu (Shabbos Parshas VaYishlach). We are already in the Days of Moshiach (Yud-Tes Kislev). Moshiach has already begun to function in the world; we can already see his effect in the realm of “and they shall beat their swords into plowshares” in that world leaders are coming together to discuss ways to bring peace. This is primarily the result of the psak din of the Rebbe and rabbanim that “the time of Redemption has arrived,” and that the Rebbe is b’chezkas Moshiach, leading to Moshiach vadai. (Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim)

*The Jewish people are experiencing a foretaste of the ingathering of the exiles to the Holy Land. (Shabbos Parshas VaYakhel)

*Concerning Moshiach, the Rebbe repeatedly stated that Menachem is his name, and spoke about the significance of the words miyad and mamash.

*The waning of the moon is not a negative phenomenon, but actually signifies an elevation and increase in drawing down the essence of Hashem (Shabbos Parshas VaYishlach). The Rebbe also spoke about the dormita (period of sleep) that occurs immediately before renewal and revelation. The greater the concealment, the more sublime the revelation that follows. (Shabbos Parshas VaEira)

*The Rebbe spoke many times about G-d’s choosing the physical body (Shabbos Parshas Bereishis, Truma, etc.), and the Rebbe explained that our generation, the generation of Redemption, will pass directly into eternal life without interruption. The concept of histalkus, the separation of the soul from the physical body, does not apply, in contrast to all previous generations, when the service of birurim was still underway.

*The greatest concealment is not just a preparation for the revelation that follows, but an integral part of it. This specific order of events mandated by the Torah is part of the process of nesiyas rosh (rosh Bnei Yisroel), leading to “the illumination of the skin of [Moshe’s] face,” which is the level of keser, the concept of sovereignty (Shabbos Parshas Ki Sisa).

*5752 was a leap year with two months of Adar. Together they contain 60 days of joy, in which all negative influences are nullified. The mazal of Adar is particularly strong during the last week of the month, when the Torah tells us that the Jewish people became apprehensive when Moshe Rabbeinu dismantled the Mishkan. “G-d then sent Moshe with the message: Why are you afraid? I have already come into My garden, My sister, My bride…to the original place of the indwelling of My presence. Indeed, the principal manifestation of the Divine presence is in the lower worlds.”(Shabbos Parshas Tetzaveh)

The more we study the Rebbe’s words, the more we see how the Rebbe provided us in advance with guidance for our current situation — “Der Rebbe hot altz bavorent.” Let us, therefore, rededicate ourselves to fulfilling the Rebbe’s directives, which will surely lead to his complete revelation immediately.


Halevai that Anash, and particularly the Tmimim, would be exacting in my father-in-law the Rebbe’s words, especially his sichos of 5710 and the year before.






The more we study the Rebbe’s words, the more we see how the Rebbe provided us in advance with guidance for our current situation.


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