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Preparing for Yud Shvat

Shluchim around the world are preparing for the great day of Yud Shvat, the day the Rebbe MH”M took over the Chabad leadership fifty years ago after the Rebbe Rayatz was nistalek on Yud Shvat of the previous year. The fact that this year marks fifty years of the Rebbe’s leadership is the impetus for intensifying activities and projects, particularly in the only remaining avoda, bringing the true and complete Redemption.

Various mivtzaim and projects have been undertaken. Chabad schools around the world have also started special learning programs for their students. A gathering was held in 770 for all Tmimim, inspiring them to go above and beyond their usual efforts.

In Kfar Chabad a gathering took place for shluchim and activists from around the country, to plan the activities for the fiftieth year, the yovel year. Among the participants were the Rosh Yeshiva in Tzfat, Rabbi Y.Y. Wilschansky, Prof. Herman Branover, the mashpia Rabbi Zev Kesselman, mashpia Rabbi Yeshavam Segal, and Rabbi Yisroel Halperin, director of the Chabad house and rav in Hertzeliya.

They discussed projects for Yud Shvat and the days leading up to it, and presented the newest material and services available to shluchim.

The World Center to Greet Moshiach will publish brochures in Hebrew and English about the Rebbe’s leadership and his goal, to bring Moshiach. At the Kinus HaShluchim this year, a hachlata was made to strengthen the ten mivtza campaigns, emphasizing how each one is connected to Moshiach. It was decided that a different mivtza would be emphasized each month, with ahavas Yisroel highlighted for Yud Shvat. To make things easier, attractive material has been sent to all the shluchim mentioning sources in Chassidus, as well as suggestions and ideas to get the message across to all ages.

Also, in connection with Yud Shvat, Rabbi Shmuel Butman, director of Lubavitch Youth Organization told Beis Moshiach that on Monday Yud Shvat there will be a  50 Mitzva Tank parade leaving from 770 to Manhattan, bringing the Rebbe’s  message to the world to prepare ourselves and others for the imminent Redemption. 



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