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13,000 Brissin In 59 Places Around The World

On Yud Shvat, shluchim, rabbanim, and public figures headed by the Rachmastrivka Rebbe convened at the annual gathering of Bris Yosef Yitzchok. The 150 workers and volunteers noted that 13,000 brissin had been made in 59 locations around the world. They have gone to the most distant places, such as the autonomous region set aside by Stalin for the Jews in Yeruburizan.

The program began with Rabbi Toledano describing his work in prisons. Recent immigrants from Russia thanked him for helping them find their way from prison to the bris of Avrohom Avinu.

Some of the Bris Yosef Yitzchok workers landed in Eretz Yisroel a few hours before this event. They had amazing tales to relate of their adventures around the world.

Rabbi Yaron Amit, the man behind all this amazing work, summed up the accomplishments of the organization named for the Rebbe Rayatz. An album illustrating the work of Bris Yosef Yitzchok has been produced. “Bris Yosef Yitzchok has never turned down a request to do a bris anywhere in the world,” he proudly stated. They broke a record that week by circumcising an eighty-year-old man.

Rabbi Amit mentioned R’ Avrohom Genin, a’h, a man of such mesirus nefesh that the Rebbe described him as Avrohom Avinu. R’ Genin used to attend these annual gatherings and tell stories about brissin in Moscow. He used to arrange brissin for Jews under any and all circumstances behind the Iron Curtain.

Ten years ago, Rabbi Amit visited 770. At that time, it seemed impossible to continue his work at Bris Yosef Yitzchok. The pressure was great and he was on the verge of despair. “Al pi derech ha’teva (under normal circumstances),” he says, “there was no way the organization could carry on.

“At one of the tefillos I stood very close to the Rebbe. Suddenly it occurred to me to plead to the Rebbe in my heart: ‘Rebbe, what should I do? Should I continue? Please give me a sign!’ In those seconds, while I was thinking and hoping for an answer from the Rebbe, he turned around toward me and waved his hand in a swift, encouraging motion. I felt as though the Rebbe was charging me up with fresh new kochos.”




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