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Seminar On Kabbala And Jewish Philosophy A Great Success

A very special weekend seminar took place for Russian Jews at a hotel in the Catskills, with the participation of 260 people. The theme of the weekend was “Black Fire on White Fire,” and the program included classes on Chassidus, Redemption, and hiskashrus to the Rebbe. The event was a joint effort by Tzeirei Agudas Chabad, Bris Avrohom, and CHAMA.

Rabbi Mordechai Kanelsky of Bris Avrohom greeted the guests on Erev Shabbos, mentioning that a number of organizations had united to make the weekend possible, which is significant because unity hastens the Redemption.

Chazan Rabbi Berel Zaltsman of Bris Avrohom spoke about Torah from Heaven, which was followed by Kabbalas Shabbos and Maariv. Rabbi Shmuel Saminsky, mashpia in the yeshiva in Petersburg, said a sicha on the sidra, and after the meal, people gathered in groups to farbreng with the shaliach from their home town.

Rabbi Moshe Chaim Levin, shaliach in Kensington, who brought Rabbi Saminsky to the seminar in addition to 120 participants, taught classes in Chassidus on Shabbos morning. Before K’rias ha’Torah, Rabbi Levin explained the concept of Moshe Rabbeinu in every generation. During the meal, which was emceed by Rabbi Boruch Levkivker, there were lectures on chinuch, mashpia and mekabel, and the idea of “Yaakov Avinu lo meis” and the eternal life of the Rebbe MH”M.

The Motzaei Shabbos program included a concert, a play for the children, and Rabbi Bluming’s talk on our role today in bringing about the revelation of Moshiach. This was followed by a contest on inyanei Yahadus, with s’farim as prizes.

There were separate programs for men and women on Sunday. Rabbi Zaltsman spoke to men about shalom bayis and the man’s role in taharas ha’mishpacha, and Mrs. Kanelsky addressed the women about the role women have in shaping their homes and children. This was followed by an address by Rabbi Kanelsky on hiskashrus to the Rebbe and living with the Rebbe, including the importance of writing to the Rebbe and looking at his picture.

Rabbi Kastel of Tzach spoke about the importance of these seminars and the good results they generate. Indeed, many participants bought mezuzos, some registered for a Jewish marriage; others mentioned that this was the first time they had ever seen a Jewish-Chassidic Shabbos.




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