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Protest Demonstration Against Giving Away The Golan

A caravan of cars went to Shepherdstown, West Virginia to stage a protest opposite the hotel where the talks were taking place. The streets adjacent to the hotel were closed off, so the local police designated a nearby grove for demonstrations, which also drew a group of protesters from Baltimore.

The vehicles, placarded with signs about shleimus HaAretz, cruised the narrow streets of the little town. The large, noisy parade of vehicles, an unusual sight for the residents of the quiet town, brought the police as well as hundreds of journalists to the scene.

Rabbi Daniel Cohen and Tamim Yonoson Rubin organized the parade, the second since Barak arrived for talks with the White House. A large tank led the way, hosting reporters who were shown a video describing the importance of the Golan.

After the demonstrators were interviewed, the vans drove around the town, and the organizers of the event were interviewed by Israeli media. They conveyed the unequivocal message that Barak has no right to give away the Golan.

“When the Prime Minister was military chief of staff,” they told the reporters, “he was afraid to abandon the Golan, something Yitzchok Rabin, the Prime Minister at that time, wanted to do. He knew the ramifications of such an irresponsible act. Now that he is Prime Minister, however, he’s about to do the very thing he feared, endangering the lives of thousands of Jews!”

Those who participated in the protest demonstrations are hopeful that not only will the talks cease entirely, but we will merit to see how “he will wage the wars of Hashem and be victorious” with the revelation of the Rebbe MH”M.



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