Dvar Malchus

Approaching True Unity

Moshiach & Geula

Teives: Time For The Darkness To Illuminate

Action is the Main Thing
Directives Of The Rebbe MH"M For Teives
Shleimus HaAretz
4 Denials & 2 Much Talk
Until The Earth Shakes
Chazara B’Simcha
The Rebbe’s Checks

4 Denials & 2 Much Talk
By Alexander Zushe Kohn

An analysis of the Rebbe’s message to former Israeli Prime Minister, Mr. Yitzchak Shamir.
(The reader is referred back to the Dvar Malchus section of Beis Moshiach, issues 299 and 302.)

The Rebbe begins the exchange of words by pointing out that the so-called autonomy talks are a violation of the Torah’s prohibition against giving non-Jews a place to live in the Land of Israel. This prohibition is known as “lo sechaneim,” which means, “You must not give them an encampment.” The Rebbe adds that since these talks will inevitably lead to giving away parts of Eretz Yisroel, they represent a denial of G-d, Torah, the Land of Israel, and the land’s holiness. 

Denying the Holiness
of the Land

In other words, giving away land to non-Jews – or even talk of doing so – makes a number of sacrilegious statements. Firstly, in effect it says: We do not believe this land is sacred. As everyone knows, sacred things are treasured, preserved, and guarded. Even among non-Jews it is an absolute, a given, that sacred things remain the possessions of those to whom they are sacred. Imagine the Pope, l’havdil, giving parts of the Vatican to the Moslems as a sign of Christian goodwill to the Islamic people. That would be ludicrous. Certainly the United States and the international community can readily appreciate that for the Jewish people the Land of Israel is simply not negotiable.

Denying the Land Belongs
to the Jewish People

Another statement these talks make: We do not believe that this land belongs to the people of Israel, the Jewish people. Normal people do not give away their possessions. Nations certainly do not give away their land. Quite the contrary: countless wars have been fought – throughout the course of history and across the globe – over protecting the homeland from invaders and intruders.

How indeed, did the land come to be ours? G-d gave it to us – period.

No one on earth actually expects us to give it away. In fact – and the Rebbe has pointed this out many times in the past – the world is actually surprised at how easily we give in to the enemy’s demands. Moreover, adds the Rebbe, they are absolutely stunned when our so-called leaders actually offer – as of late it has even turned to begging – to give away portions of land that we re-acquired
 through great sacrifice in wars that we did not even initiate.

Denying the Torah

Since the Torah testifies to the fact that G-d gave us the land, the giveaway talks represent a denial of Torah. (This is aside from the Torah transgression of ‘lo sechaneim.’) Moreover, the Torah rules clearly and unequivocally that negotiating with the enemy is a mortal danger. An unequivocal display of strength is the only deterrent in matters such as these, says the Shulchan Aruch. Thus, to give away the Land of Israel is to deny the truth of Torah.

Denying G-d Himself

The first and foremost denial mentioned by the Rebbe is the denial of G-d, which these talks represent. Since the Rebbe mentions it as a category of its own, it appears to represent an evil not included in the denial of Torah, the Land of Israel, and the sanctity of the Land.

To what might the Rebbe be referring? Perhaps the reference is to the awesome miracles G-d performed for us in our recent wars against our enemies. We need not elaborate on these at the moment; suffice it to say that we triumphed against impossible odds.

* * *

A central and oft-repeated point in this exchange of words is the Rebbe’s warning that the mere discussion of – or agreement to discuss – giving away parts of Eretz Yisroel is in itself a grave and mortal danger which can lead to the murder of Jews, ch’v (as we have unfortunately seen in recent times, rachmana litzlan). It doesn’t take a genius to understand why: agreeing to discuss the possibility of surrendering anything to the enemy is in itself an act of surrender.

This act of surrender immediately strengthens the enemy, for two reasons: 1) It shows the enemy that we are weak. 2) It grants legitimacy to their claims by giving them the impression that we’re not absolutely certain that the land is ours. That means that we can be intimidated, especially through violence, into relinquishing it.

Talks of surrender actually encourage the enemy to increase violence. But this fact isn’t obvious to everyone. Why not? Because we delude ourselves. We conjure up fantasies of co-existence and harmony with our Arab neighbors as well as visions of international recognition and acceptance, and we naively maintain that the enemy cannot help but be filled with the same delusions.

"Wake up!" said the Rebbe. "These fantasies are very dangerous."

"But what alternative do we have?" whimper the politicians.

"The alternative," the Rebbe explained to Mr. Shamir (through Mr. Katzav), "is to place your faith in the One G-d, the Alm-ghty Creator of the universe, the Guardian of Israel. Do this and you will have nothing to fear – ever."

But we Jews are gifted with a rare stubbornness. So the conversation continues. "How? How can we possibly resist the mighty U.S. and the international community?

"Bring sanctity into the Land," replied the Rebbe, "and it will strengthen you."

"And what if I still can’t resist?"

"Then unfortunately you cannot serve in the capacity of prime minister. Have a heart: quit your job. Admit that you have no moral, legal and – dare I say – halachic right to endanger the lives of your people."

In reality, the Rebbe’s approach is the only viable option.


"Place your faith in the One G-d, the Alm-ghty Creator of the universe, the Guardian of Israel. Do this and you will have nothing to fear – ever."


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