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A Shabbos Of Hiskashrus

Over 250 men and women took part in a very special Shabbaton of hiskashrus, a project of Merkaz Chabad L’Dovrei Ivrit in Los Angeles, directed by Rabbi Amitai Yemini. The Shabbaton took place right after Yud Shvat, and the theme was hiskashrus to the Rebbe MH”M. Emphasis was placed on inspiring the participants in increasing their hiskashrus to provide a source of strength as we eagerly await the revelation of the Rebbe MH”M.

Those participating in the Shabbaton, of all backgrounds and ages, enjoyed a rich program. The guest of honor was Rabbi Leibel Groner, the Rebbe’s secretary. Friday night, Rabbi Groner spoke about the Geula, basing his talk on the pasuk in the weekly sidra, “and they believed in Hashem and in Moshe His servant.” During the Shabbos meal, Rabbi Groner told fascinating miracle stories he witnessed first hand.

Rabbi M.M. Labkowsky gave a Chassidus class on Shabbos morning which was followed by Shacharis. The lunch meal began at 12:00 p.m. and ended at sunset! The crowd farbrenged with Rabbi Groner as he answered questions on various aspects of Yiddishkeit. His central theme was that just as the Rebbe is concerned for us all, we must be alert to our responsibilities towards the Rebbe, and give him nachas.

The spirit of achdus permeated the entire Shabbaton, despite the different backgrounds, ages, and knowledge of the participants. The hotel’s location on the beach contributed to the serenity of the weekend, as did the terrific work of the organizers in putting the Shabbaton together.

 Rabbi Amitai Yemini speaking at the Melaveh Malka


(From right) Rami Duek, Rabbi Groner, and Rabbi Yemini


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