Panim For Guest Rabbanim
on the Rebbe’s directive to the members of the beis din of
Crown Heights, there was a kabbalas panim gathering on
Motzaei Shavuos for the rabbinic guests who had come to 770
for Yom Tov. This year, in honor of the mara
d’asra Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Kalman Marlow, the gathering took
place in his home.
Levi Yitzchok Garelik chaired the gathering, and began with a Dvar
Malchus from a letter the Rebbe wrote to Rabbi Shneur Zalman
Garelik, a’h, the former rav of Kfar Chabad, in
which the Rebbe writes of the significance of the role of mara
d’asra and
member of the beis din Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba spoke about
timely matters and adjured those in attendance of the necessity to
speak to their congregations about the importance of tefilla
Shneur Zalman Gurary of the ziknei rabbanei Chabad and
member of the hanhala of Agudas Chassidei Chabad spoke of
the necessity of achdus among rabbanei Anash,
and about appointing new rabbanim and educating a young
generation of rabbanim.
Mordechai Shmuel Ashkenazi, rav of Kfar Chabad and member
of the beis din rabbanei Chabad in Eretz Yisroel, spoke
about the importance of chinuch for boys and girls, which
must be especially emphasized nowadays. Rabbi Ben-Tzion Lipsker, rav
of Arad and member of the beis din rabbanei Chabad in
Eretz Yisroel, and Rabbi Yochonon Gurary, rav of Cholon and
member of the beis din rabbanei Chabad in Eretz Yisroel,
further developed this theme. They said that with the development
of technology and videos and Internet, care must be taken to use
these things properly and to keep them away from our young people.
rabbanim who participated in this gathering resolved to
formulate enactments about the use of these technological
advances, to be accepted by rabbanei Chabad around the
the conclusion of the meeting, the rabbanim declared a psak
din that Hashem should quickly heal Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Kalman
ben Rochel shlita, and that the next mesibas kabbalas
panim for rabbanim should take place in Yerushalayim
with the revelation of the Rebbe MH”M.